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About Winter

Winter is your shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, and your biggest advocate.

She just wants to see everyone win. Growing up in a small town in Indiana, gave her the work ethic she needed to come out to California and make it on her own. With Spring, Summer & Autumn by her side, she never feels far from family.

Winter thinks life is all about learning and growing and striving to be better than who she was the day before... Her simple pleasures are in-depth conversations about anything and everything, driving to see the moon, toaster strudels and playing with her snake Honey. “Alexa, play ‘You’ve Got A Friend in Me.’”

“You are powerful, capable and worthy. Never forget it. And use it for good.”

I’m motivated by my family, both chosen & biological. Sunsets. The sound of an acoustic guitar & the list goes on...

I enjoy playing video games, working out & making soap. You know, the usual things. People should know that potatoes, in any form, are my weakness - I have no willpower when it comes to French fries. *eats a homemade fry*